查看完整版本: Long time no see see everybody!!!! DOZEN is back!~~

雙翼-DOZEN 2010-4-18 16:19

Long time no see see everybody!!!! DOZEN is back!~~

Days pass by and my parents dont allow me to be in forums,
this time i secretly peep in xD
Do u all still remember me xd??
long time no see lar, everybody,
i used to write in chinese long time ago,
but i think english is mroe convenient, will anyone mind i am typing in english?
pls tell me if u do! xd=]
so. i hope i can always have a good time here,
and i have a facebook account now.
i cant paste any photos here because of.....my photos are too big than enough.
so if u want to see me,
facebook is a way ^ ^

饅頭仔 2010-4-19 11:23


小毛球 2010-4-19 22:37


好久不見~~歡迎喔 ##469#

PS. 做好功課才來喔

向晴 2010-4-19 23:49

歡迎  雙翼  回到夜玥

不過要像 毛球 說的

P.S 不要將時間都花在夜玥 以免舊事重演喔

POLESTAR 2010-4-20 17:12

wowo... welcome to come back//##521#

vincy100 2010-4-27 12:12

Welcome back~

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