查看完整版本: 我想和你做....

芹..bb 2008-3-31 18:42


[table=100%,#FFFFE6][tr][td][size=9pt][發帖際遇]: [url=http://ds-hk.net/event.php]小賊們潛入芹..bb家, 偷了芹..bb現金1Ds幣.

Fred.l was your freind
U is  handsome  so l love you
Chris is our friend ,he love you too,but l killed him yesterday
KK is your nickname l always call you this name because l want to be close  to you

l love you so l want to do one thing with you
that thing is in the frist 4 lines the frist letter
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查看完整版本: 我想和你做....