查看完整版本: 牛頓運動定律 Newton's Laws of Motion

暗影魂 2008-4-7 22:15

牛頓運動定律 Newton's Laws of Motion

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[size=4][color=#663399]Newton's First Law 牛頓第一定律,慣性定律: [/color][/size]--Also called the "[b]law of inertia[/b],"
--States that body at rest remains at rest, and a body in motion continues to move at a constant velocity 均勻速率 [u]unless acted upon by an external force 外力[/u].
[如果作用於物體上的淨力等於零,物體的運動狀態將會保持不變。本來靜止的永遠靜止,本來運動的就會在一直線上作均速運動。] [size=4][color=#663399]Newton's Second Law 牛頓第二定律,運動定律:[/color][/size] --A force [b]F[/b] acting on a body gives it an acceleration [b]a[/b] 加速度 which is in the direction of the force and --has magnitude inversely proportional to the mass [b]m[/b] of the body: [b]F=ma[/b]
[這個定律描述物體所受的淨力、質量和加速度的關係。物體受淨力時會加速,加速度 a 與作用力 F 成正比,而與物體的質量 m 成反比,即[img=70,30]http://hk.geocities.com/hungkim11/fma.gif[/img] 。在公制的單位,我們有F=ma 。]
力的 SI 單位是牛頓,牛頓 = 千克•米/秒2 (1N = 1kgms-2)。 公式: (1) F = d(mv)/dt or F= m(v-u)/t and
(2) F = ma [size=4][color=#663399]Newton's Third Law 牛頓第三定律,作用與反作用力定律: [/color][/size]---Whenever a body exerts a force on another body, the latter exerts a force of equal magnitude and opposite direction on the former
---known as the weak law of action and reaction.
[假如一物體 A 向另一物體 B 施加一個作用力,那麼物體 B 便會向物體 A 施加一個反作用力。作用力與反作用力大小相等,但方向相反,而且施加於不同的物體]

小風 2008-4-8 15:35

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55'  呢d學過..
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