查看完整版本: 香煎白菜芯鍋貼〔已檢〕

芹..bb 2008-6-5 18:14


[table=100%,#FFFFE6][tr][td][size=9pt][發帖際遇]: [url=http://ds-hk.net/event.php]芹..bb販賣軍火, 不小心賺到佣金現金255Ds幣. k,{|"j6^8GzLG a
*O}/l'x b @LD1I6G
材料: 白菜芯300克 雞蛋1隻 麵粉3湯匙 Ingredients 300g young pok choy 1 egg 3 tbsp flour:D} }~ `)F
調味: 調味料 美極鮮醬油1/2茶匙 美極鮮雞粉1/2茶匙 麻油少許 Seasonings 1/2 tsp MAGGI Seasoning 1/2 tsp MAGGI Chicken Bouillon a little sesame oil\ mA(Q2{
備註: 份量:2人 serves 2 小貼士 Tips 煎蛋漿時切記不要用大火,以免弄得雞蛋過老;這道菜可伴美極鮮醬油或美極鮮茄汁同吃。 Do not use high heat to pan-fry egg batter to prevent it from getting overdone. This dish can be served with MAGGI Seasoning or MAGGI Tomato Ketchup. yf?6LG ~1d
食譜提供: 嘉出版《新鮮蔬菜Cook得起 》;bGEjJ&J

y tY8]-APki G&I:X 做法: 簡介 :1. 白菜芯洗淨,去花,以滾水略烚至軟身,汆水後榨乾水分,切粒,備用。
B(~'gxLZ+L 2. 用大碗打勻雞蛋及調味料,再篩入麵粉拌勻至蛋漿,最後加入白菜芯碎拌勻,備用。
{8xy3w^(^-] 3. 燒熱油,倒入漿料以慢火煎至兩面金黃,取出後,切件,即成。
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Wd;O&HZaUB1H"N Procedures {4m.Q X&x;X ^-{ U2E
1. Wash pok choy. Remove florets. Blanch with boiling water till tender. Drain and squeeze dry. Dice pok choy. Set aside.8|~:}le7`;zi
2. Beat egg together with seasonings in a big bowl. Sift flour. Combine well to make batter. Add diced pok choy. Mix well. Set aside.
z%hk:rz 3. Heat up oil. Pour in batter and pan-fry till over low heat both sides are golden brown. Dish up and cut into slices. Done.x1qS"|kE JX:?

*U}eM'?'a_)x[ N [[i] 本帖最後由 十小海乂 於 2012-9-29 12:26 編輯 [/i]]
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