晴晴 2008-9-27 22:45
I've shot him
[table=100%,#FFFFE6][tr][td][size=9pt][發帖際遇]: [url=http://ds-hk.net/event.php]晴晴因為發出問題難倒壇主,獲獎金現金50Ds幣.
I've shot him
Last night the alarm monitoring people called me at home; Bother! The
temazepam desperados at it again no doubt. I phoned the police but was told
that they weren't in the area and were working to regulation, but would
send someone round in the morning. I hung up.
A minute later I rang again. "Hello, I called you before because
there was a burglar in my pharmacy. No need to hurry because I've shot
him." Then I hurried down to the pharmacy, to see were three police cars,
the dog squad and the helicopter circling overhead. They caught the
burglar. One of the young cops said. "I thought you said you'd shot
him." To which I replied, "I thought you said there was no one available."