查看完整版本: 巧克力櫻桃蛋糕

少瓊 2006-7-27 21:41


+o6xG4Ro1ma #E3A[B3]6ps Fb
vn`U.i k3o 材料包括:
U5xcK` TAe 1/2杯(1條)奶油或人工奶油,需融化[!?0RB n1n T+hB
1茶匙香草精 t4^"AI;v
2顆蛋u5uF*WX3qK tn
e"M/k.Mo2['c9k ` 1/2杯好時可可粉b#I+EQC8LK{9|-U
Hg&y2pzC#mv 1包(8oz) 奶油乳酪,需融化@/eI\Z6[m
1杯糖粉iK3v5llZ.{1q*B ~
,r7|z x*N?\O 1罐(21oz)冷凍的櫻桃派餡料)\t;D)ceXM#G W
C z2JP^A;k?1D O0u x
-rsoV8`2Q F? a9Y1{9E IV7@)\C`3}
製作步驟:L7uX^@ D#W0f8X*A}
1.Heat oven to 350°F. Grease bottom only of 9-inch springform pan, or line 9-inch round cake pan with foil; grease bottom of foil.
p&}2oU&s3k*x}&n @ 烤箱加熱至350°F(176.7°C),在9吋springform的烤盤底部塗上牛油或使用9吋有鋁箔紙的圆型蛋糕烤盤,同樣在鋁箔的底部塗上牛油)Bt T1J;`

G3Us'EJf,P 2. Stir together melted butter, granulated sugar and vanilla in large bowl. Add eggs; using spoon, beat well. Stir together flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt; gradually add to egg mixture, beating with spoon until well blended. Spread batter into prepared pan.@Ev'Q`)J%L
.JVm1UX6?,WIkaK R)? }8B"B[X
3. Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until cake is set. (Cake is fudgey and will not test done.) Remove from oven; cool completely in pan on wire rack.Fl7d pM
&f1R*Q P djwk
VT2zg F 4. Beat cream cheese and powdered sugar in medium bowl until well blended. Beat cream until stiff; gradually fold into cream cheese mixture, blending well. Spread over top of torte; refrigerate several hours or until set. With knife loosen cake from side of pan; remove side of pan. (Or, lift torte out of pan, using foil; remove foil.).
c)ej&loaF6r}`#W 將奶油乳酪與糖粉放入中碗裡打勻,拌打奶油直到變的黏稠,慢慢以來回交疊方式將奶油乳酪放入碗中混合至均勻,接著將材料鋪在蛋糕上,放入冰箱數小時直到成形後將蛋糕從烤盤中取出(若是用鋁箔紙只要移開鋁箔紙即可) 1V8@:k`4a FF`!b

*\ C ?N(aB 5. Just before serving, put chocolates in 6-inch-wide heart outline in center of cake. Fill heart shape with cherries from pie filling; put chocolates all around outside edge. Serve cold, cut into wedges, with remaining pie filling. Cover; refrigerate leftover dessert. 10 to 12 servings.
*RFxj&fd 最後以好時KISSES巧克力在蛋糕的中間作ㄧ個約6吋的心型,將櫻桃派餡料塞滿巧克力心型,並再以好時KISSES巧克力點綴蛋糕一圈,好時甜心巧克力櫻桃蛋糕就完成了,提醒剩下的蛋糕要記得冷藏喔
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查看完整版本: 巧克力櫻桃蛋糕