01.這是第幾次做夜玥50問? 1
02.相信你不會半途而廢的吧? yeah
03.夜玥論壇成立多久了? 1199days
04.曾經玩過多少個論壇? this one only
05.請說出你對夜玥論壇的第一個印象或是第一個感覺? very professional
06.你最喜歡論壇那一個版區? BL(anything related)
07.論壇中還有你沒逛過的版區嘛? yes
08.請說出論壇中的哪三個版區最需要檢討改進? mostly the one about "song lyrics"
09.哪個版區另你覺得是最好的榜樣? Cosplay
10.請對你愛的人在此大聲告白? um....... I still dun have one bor.......
11.可不可以完成這份問卷後馬上去跟你愛的人在說一次上題的答案? nope
12.以上的問題是不是讓煩惱好久? no
13.現在有沒有猶豫還要不要完成這份問卷? no
14.最喜歡什麼動漫呢? reborn, naruto
15.最愛的休閒活動? sleep, eat
16.甚麼事令你最遺憾? too stupid in maths
17.至今,最難忘的慶生經驗? this year!
18.交往過幾個男女朋友了? 0
19.呈上題,是不是讓你思考數了一下? no
20.有沒有玩論壇的GAME? yes
21.你有沒有好好的愛惜自己? no (ignore all sports related topics)
22.你最愛的動物是? humans
23.有想要養寵物嘛? snake
24.想要去哪個國家旅行? England
25.最愛的小說名還有作者? harry potter, JK Rowling
26.有沒有介紹朋友加入夜玥論壇? yes, but they still stick to those "twilight" sites....
27.以後會邀請朋友加入夜玥論壇嘛? course!
28.有在玩線上遊戲嘛? no
29.初吻是在幾歲呢? 0, kissed by my mom when I was born........
30.你是腐男腐女? OF COURSE! (proudly)
31.呈上題,是的話已經接觸多久了?不是的話,請問你看動漫有多久時間了? about 3 years la
32.覺得版主們應該要改進的事項? can't think of any, very good
33.覺得論壇可以改進的地方? attracts more people! continue to expand! (though it is already very cool)
34.喜歡夏天還是冬天? winter
35.有沒有不良嗜好? yes
36.對於厭惡的人,最想給他的懲罰是? tell them to eat dung
37.你最愛什麼類型的男/女性? as long as they suit my taste
38.呈上題,如果面前有你最愛的類型,你會直接向他告白嗎? maybe
39.每天有沒有照鏡子對自己笑笑,告訴自己要開心? yes
40.倒數10題了,你的感想是? need to answer the blanked questions above
41.一個禮拜的零用錢有多少? 450/month
42.會希望自己談一段轟轟烈烈的愛情? doesn't mind at all
43.你是一個擅於規畫自己生活的人? no
44.你喜歡中食勝於西餐? I'll love them as long as they're food
45.其實你有某種程度的戀物癖? ok la
46.你早在成年以前就做過非法的行為? um, if drinking wine counts
47.你是一個怎麼樣的人? a simple human
48.相信前世今生之說? a bit
49.請對夜玥論壇做出愛的告白? Luv u always!! muah~~
50.最後一題了,你終於寫完問卷了,想法是? finally done sth other than reading in this forum~~ hapi