L`Arc~en~Ciel - trust (附中譯&羅馬拼音)
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alien13579 您是第1831個瀏覽者
再滿溢的水邊迴蕩著 是誰在呼喚我的聲音
招換 光的螺旋 在那彼方 會有著安穩的未來嗎
Come into the light 可以相信這句話嗎
Come into the light 一定有如夢境中的世界 into the light
不覺淚水落下 守護著這份鼓動
溫柔的 之中 但願就這麼潛泳著
冰冷的光之門 在那彼方
Come into the light 可以相信這句話嗎
Come into the light 一定有如夢境中的世界 into the light
Come into the light 是否能遇見遙遠的溫柔呢?
Come into the light 是否能懷抱喜悅沉睡呢?
Come into the light 戰爭的火焰已消失了吧?
Come into the light 一定有如夢境中的世界 into the light
Come into the light I am here
mitashita mizube ni hibiku dareka no yonderu koe
shizuka na nemuri no tochuu yami wo saku ten no shizuka
temaneku hikari no rasen sono mukou ni mou
odayaka na mirai ga aru no?
Come into the light sono kotoba wo shinjitemo ii no?
Come into the light kitto yume no you na sekai Into the light
koboreru namida mo shirazu kodou ni mamorareterue
yasashii shirabe no naka wo kono mama oyoidetai
tsumetai hikari no tobira sono mukou ni mo
kanashikunai mirai ga aru no?
Come into the light sono kotoba wo shinjitemo ii no?
Come into the light kitto yume no you na sekai Into the light
Come into the light haruka na yasashisa ni deaeru no?
Come into the light yorokobi ni dakarete nemureru no?
Come into the light arasoi no honoo wa kieta yo ne?
Come into the light kitto yume no you na sekai Into the light
Come into the light I'm here