
[音樂] 【河圖】白露(哼唱)


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【哼唱】白露 by 河圖 White Dew


白露是二十四節氣中的第十五個節氣。每年在9月7-23日之間。太陽位於黃經165°-。《月令七十二候集解》中說:「八月節......陰氣漸重,露凝而白也。」 天氣漸轉涼,會在清晨時分發現地面和葉子上有許多露珠,這是因夜晚水氣凝結在上面,故-名。古人以四時配五行,秋屬金,金色白,故以白形容秋露。進入「白露」之後,在晚上會-感到一絲絲的涼意。俗語雲:「處暑十八盆,白露勿露身。」這兩句話的意思是說,處暑仍-熱,每天須用一盆水洗澡,過了十八天,到了白露,就不要赤膊裸體了,以免著涼。還有句-俗話:「白露白迷迷,秋分稻秀齊。」意思是說,白露前後若有露,則晚稻將有好收成。

The traditional East Asian calendars divide a year into 24 solar terms. Bailu (pīnyīn) is the 15th solar term. It begins when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 165° and ends when it reaches the longitude of 180°. It more often refers in particular to the day when the Sun is exactly at the celestial longitude of 165°. In the Gregorian calendar, it usually begins around September 7 and ends around September 23.

When the White Dew comes, the weather is turning cold. Although sunshine in the day is still hot, after sunset, temperatures decrease rapidly. At night, water vapors in the air turn into small water-drops when it encounters cold temperatures. These white water-drops adhere to flowers, grass and trees. When the morning comes, sunshine makes them look crystal clear, spotless white and adorable. Therefore, people have given them this beautiful name, "White Dew".

There is a saying which goes, "The nights of White Dew and the Autumnal Equinox period are becoming colder and colder." This is because summer monsoons have been replaced by winter monsoons, and north winds are more common. Cold air moves frequently to the south. In addition, the duration of sunshine in the northern hemisphere is shorter than before. There are few clouds in the sky at night, so heat radiation from the ground is very fast. Therefore, temperatures decrease quickly.




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