¡@¡@To be, or not to be that is the question:Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.Or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.
¡@¡@³o¤@Àþ¶¡·Q¤Æ¨¤d¤âÆ[µ¦bì¤l¼u¾Þ±±«Ç¤j¸õ¤T¦Ê¤»¤Q«×±ÛÂàªÝÁ¢ªº¤ß±¡¬O«ç»ò¤@¦^¨Æ¡H¬°¤°»ò¸£¤ºªºBGMÀþ¶¡Åܦ¨¤F¡uFUCK YOU,FUCK YOU,FUCK YOU VERY ~VERY MUCH¡v¡EÁÙ¬O³æ¦±°j°é¼Ò¦¡¡K¡K
¡@¡@¤ñ°_¥¿µP¤k¥D¤j·§´N¬O¡X¡XShe¡zs cheer captain ¡AAnd I¡zm on the bleachers ¡ADreaming about the day when you wake up ¡AAnd find that what you¡zre looking for has been here the whole time .If you could see that I¡zm the one who understands you ¡Abeen here all along so why can¡zt you see ¡K¡Kªº¤ß±¡¡C