¡@¡@¡uHello, I'm Tezuka Kunimitsu and the other one is Inui Sadaharu. We saw you in a coma and hurt badly on the road, so I brought you to the hospital. ¡v
¡@¡@¡uI don't like hospitals. I don't like the feeling ¡K¡Khere at all. Will you¡K¡K take me out, please I wonn't give you¡K¡K any trouble.I just ¡K¡Kdon't know how to ¡K¡Kget out of this hospital ¡v(§Ú¤£·Q«Ý¦bÂå°|¡A§Ú¤@ÂI³£¤£³ßÅw¥L¡C§A¥i¥H±a§Ú¥X¥h¶Ü¡H§Ú¤£·|µ¹§A²K³Â·Ðªº¡C§Ú¥u¬O¤£ª¾¹D«ç»ò¥X¥h¡C)
¡@¡@¤â¶ï°ê¥ú±À¤F±À²´Ãè¡A¡uI mean, we're in the middle of the night, there's a spare room, and there are some girls. If you don't mind, you can live with them. ¡v
¡@¡@³oÅý¸ÄÆı±o¦³¨Ç¤£¦w¡A¦o¬ÝµÛ¤â¶ï°ê¥ú¡A¡uIt won't be too much ¡K¡K trouble for you, but I ¡K¡Kcan find¡K¡K my own¡K¡K place. ¡v(³o·|¤£·|¤Ó³Â·Ð§A¤F¡A¨ä¹ê§Ú¥i¥H¦Û¤v§ä¦a¤èªº¡C)
¡@¡@¡uAccording to the principles of physics, no one can jump to a vertical p¡¼¡¼ilion two meters high without outside help. ¡]®Ú¾Úª«²z¾Çì²z¡A¨S¦³¤H¥i¥H¦b¤£É§U¥~¤Oªº±¡ªp¤Uª½±µ¸õ¨ì¤T¥|¦Ì°ªªº««ª½ªº«F¤l¤Wªº¡C¡^¡v