¡@¡@§Ú¡u¶â¡v¤F¤@Án¡AÅ¥µÛ·É®áªº¨kÁnÄ~Äò°ÛµÛ¨º¼~¶Ëªººq¡A¡u¡KTell her to find me an acre of land. Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. Between the salt water and the sea strands. Then she'll be a true love of mine¡K¡v¡u«Ü¦nÅ¥ªº¹ï¤£¹ï¡H§Ú¯S§O³ßÅw¥¦ªº½Õ¤l¡A¦ÊÅ¥¤£¹½¡C¡v
¡@¡@New lovers are nervous and tender but s.mash everything. For the heart is an organ of fire.¡]ªìÅʪº¤HÌÁ`¬O¤ß¦sºò±i¡Bº¡Ãh¬X±¡¡A¦ý»P¦¹¦P®É¥L̪º·R¤]¯àµIºÉ¤@¤Á¡X¡X¥u¦]¤ß¦p¯P¤õ¡C¡^¡]1¡^
¡@¡@¶¶±a¤@´£¡A¡m^°ê¯f¤H¡nªº»y¨¥¯uªº«Ü¬ü¡A¤]¶W³ßÅw³o¬q¡C¡uWe are the real countries. Not the boundaries drawn on maps, with the names of powerful men. I know you will come and carry me out into the palace of winds. That¡zs all I have wanted. To walk in such a place with you, with friends. An earth without maps.¡v
¡@¡@¡uEs Ist Ein Schnee Gefallen¡AEs ist ein Schnee gefallen, und es ist doch nit Zeit: Man wirft mich mit den Ballen der Weg ist mir verschneit¡KAch Lieb, lass dich erbarmen¡K¡v¡]·í¨º³·¸¨¤U®É¡A®É¶¡¤£¦A°±¯d¡A·í³·¦p²y¯ë´é¦V§Ú¡A§Ú¤w²`³´¿n³·¤¤¡K¡K®@¿Ë·Rªº¡A½Ð¼¦±¤§Ú§a¡^¡]3¡^
¡@¡@To Evelyn: The memory can be erased, the past can be changed, but the heart, it will never be fooled.¡]P¥ìªÜµY¡G°O¾Ð¥i¥H³Q²M°£¡Aª½¦ÜµL¸ñ¥i´M¡A¹L¥h¥i¥H³Q¿y§ï¡Aª½¦Ü±¥Ø¥þ«D¡A¦ý¬O¤ß¤£·|³Q·M§Ë¡A¥¦¥Ã»·³£µLªk³Q¥ô¦ó¨Æª«»X½ª¡C¡^
¡@¡@¹¡§t§Æ±æªº¤kÁn¤£ª¾¯h¦a°ÛµÛ¨º«´_ªººqµü¡G¡uKeep ¡¼¡¼iling through just like you always do, till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away.¡v¡]½Ð¹³§A¤§«e¤@ª½°µªº¨º¼Ë¡A«O«ù·L¯º¡Aª½¨ì½«ÂŪº¤ÑªÅ§â¯Q¶³ÅX´²±o»·»·ªº¡C¡^
¡@¡@¡uSo will you please say hello to the folks that I know. Tell them I won't be long . They'll be happy to know that as you saw me go. I was singing this song.¡v¡]½Ð§A¹ï¨º¨Ç§Ú»{ÃѪº¥ë¦ñ¡A¹DÁn¥¦w¡C½Ð§A´À§ÚÂà§i¥LÌ¡A§Ú¤£¤[«á«K·|Âk¨Ó¡C¥LÌ·|«Ü°ª¿³Å¥¨ì³oÓ®ø®§¡C·í§A¬Ý¨ì§Úªº®ÉÔ¡A§Ú¥¿°ÛµÛ³oººq¡C¡^
¡@¡@§Ú«ö·Ó¦^¾Ð¸Ìªº½Õ¤l»´»´ó°Û¤F°_¨Ó¡G¡uMarienwurmchen, setze dich, Auf meine Hand , Auf meine Hand , Ich tu dir nichts zu Leide, Es soll dir nichts zu Leid geschehn , Will nur deine bunte Flugel sehn , Bunte Flugel, Bunte Flugel, meine Freude!¡v¡]1¡^
¡@¡@¡]1¡^¥X¦ÛĬ®æÄõ¸Ö¤Hù§B¯S´^´µªº¡mA Red, Red Rose¡n¡A¦¹³Bªö¥Îªº¬O²±¹ÅÂ@ªºÄ¶¥»¡C´^´µ¬OĬ®æÄõ¹A¥Á¸Ö¤H¡A¦b^°ê¤å¾Ç¥v¤W¥e¦³¯S®í«nªº¦a¦ì¡A¥L´_¬¡¨ÃÂ×´I¤FĬ®æÄõ¥Áºq¡C
¡@¡@¡]2¡^ºqµü¸`¿ï¦ÛEisblume¼Ö¶¤ªº§@«~¡mFur immer¡n¡A¦¹ºq±Û«ß¤Þ¥Î¤FÁú°ê¿ûµ^®aYirumaªº§@«~¡mRiver Flows in You¡n¡C
¡@¡@¡uWe'll meet again, sweetheart. This lovely day has flown away, the time has come to part. We'll kiss again, like this again. Don't let the teardrops start. With love that's true, I'll wait for you.¡v¡]§ÚÌ·|¦A¬Û¨£¡A²¢¤ß¡A¬ü¦nªº¤@¤ÑµyÁa§Y³u¡A¤À§Oªº®É¨è¤wµM¦Ó¦Ü¡A§ÚÌ·|¦A¦¸¿Ë§k¡AÁÙ¹³¦¹®É³o¼Ë¡A§OÅý²\¤ô½Ä¨M¤F²´²µ¡A¯u·R¬Û¦ñ¡A§Ú±N¥Ã»·µ¥«J§A¡C¡^¡]1¡^
¡@¡@¨«´Y¤Wªº°Û¤ù¾÷ÁÙ¦bÄ~ÄòÂà°Ê¡A¡uThis lovely day has flown away. The time has come to part. We'll kiss again, like this again. Don't let a teardrop start. With love that's true I'll wait for you, Auf wiedersehen sweetheart.¡v¡]¬ü¦nªº¤@¤ÑµyÁa§Y³u¡A¤À§Oªº®É¨è¤wµM¦Ó¦Ü¡A§ÚÌ·|¦A¦¸¿Ë§k¡AÁÙ¹³¦¹®É³o¼Ë¡A§OÅý²\¤ô½Ä¨M¤F²´²µ¡A¯u·R¬Û¦ñ¡A§Ú±N¥Ã»·µ¥«J§A¡A¶ø¤Òºû¼wº¸´Ëªº²¢¤ß¡C¡^
¡@¡@¤@Ó§¯ºë¦b§a¥xªº¦a¤è§N§N²M²M¦a°ÛµÛºq¡A«ü¦y¥l³ê¥X¤@¨ÇÂàÀþ§Y³uªº»È¦â¥ú®h¡A¡uIn a world of glitter and glow, in a world of tinsel and show, the unreal from the real thing is hard to know.¡v¡]¦b¤@Ó°{°{Ä£²´ªº¥@¬É¸Ì¡A¤@Óº¡¬Oª÷ºä»P¨q³õªº¥@¬É¸Ì¡A¯u¹ê»Pµê¤ÛÃø¥H¤À¿ë¡C¡^¡]1¡^
¡@¡@¡uI'm dreaming of a white Christmas just like the ones I used to know. Where the treetops glisten, and children listen to hear sleigh bells in the snow.¡v¡]§Ú¹Ú¨£¤F¤@Ó¤U³·ªº¸t½Ï¸`¡A´N¹³§Ú¤§«e«×¹Lªº¥ô¦ó¤@Ó¸t½Ï¸`¨º¼Ë¡C¸t½Ï¾ð¦yºÝªº¿O°{°{µo«G¡A«Ä¤lÌÅ¥µÛ³·¦a¸Ì¶Ç¨Óªº³·¾õ¹aÁn¡C¡^¡]1¡^
¡@¡@¡uGreen sleeves was all my joy. Green sleeves was my delight. Green sleeves was my heart of gold, and who but my Lady Green sleeves.¡v¡]ºñ³S¤l¬O§Ú§Ö¼Öªº¥þ³¡¡Aºñ³S¤l¬O§Ú¥þ³¡ªºÅw¼Ö¡Cºñ³S¤l¬O§Úª÷¤l¯ëªº¤ß¡A¥u¦³¦o¤~¬O§Ú¤ß·Rªº¤H¡C¡^
¡@¡@¡uYour vows you've broken, like my heart. Oh, why did you so enrapture me Now I remain in a world apart but my heart remains in captivity.¡v¡]§A¤w¸gI±ó¤F§Aªº»}¨¥¡A´N¹³§Ú³Q¥´¸Hªº¤ß¡C¾¾¡A¬°¤°»ò§An¨Ï§Ú¨g³ß¡H²{¦bÅý§Ú¯d¦b¤@Ó»P§A¬ÛÂ÷ªº¥@¬É¡A¦Ó§Ú¨Ì¬O§A·R±¡ªº¥}®{¡C¡^
¡@¡@¡uI took my heart out to him, but he took it and pinched it to death, and then threw my broken heart back to me.¡v¡]§Ú§â§Úªº¤ß±Çµ¹¤F¥L¡A¥L«o±µ¹L¨Ó§â¥¦®º¦º¡AµM«á§â§Ú¨º¯}¸Hªº¤ßÂYÁÙµ¹§Ú¡C¡^
¡@¡@¡uMay your heart always be joyful, may your song always be sung, may you stay forever young, forever young, forever young, may you stay forever young.¡v¡]Ä@§Aªº¤ßÁ`¬O¥Rº¡§Ö¼Ö¡AÄ@§Aªººq¦±¯à°÷¥Ã»·³Q¤H¶Ç°Û¡AÄ@§A¥Ã»·¦~»´¡A¥Ã»·¦~»´¡A¥Ã»·¦~»´¡AÄ@§A¥Ã»·¦~»´¡C¡^
¡@¡@¡uDon¡zt want to go up north because it¡zs too damn cold. Don¡zt want to go Bournemouth because they¡zre too damn cold. And if you¡zre east of Stepney, then there¡zs nothing to see.¡v¡]§Ú¤£·Q¥h¥_¤è¡A¦]¬°¥¦ªºÄY´HÅý¤HµLªk§Ô¨ü¡A§B®¦T´µªº´H§N¦P¼Ë·|Åý§Ú±æ¦Ó¥Í¬È¡CY¦V¥v¸¦ªâ¥§¤§ªF»·¦æ¡A§A¥u·|µo²{¥¦µØ¦Ó¤£¹ê¡C¡^
¡@¡@¡uAnd no one is gonna tell me it¡zs not the place that I should be. Because the West End is the best end. You said the best end is the West End. I mean the West End is the best end for me.¡v¡]±q¥¼¦³¤Hµ¹§Ú«ü¤Þ³Ì¨ÎÂk³B¡A¦]¬°Û´°¦è°Ï¬O³Ì¨ÎÂk±J¡A§A´¿»¡Û´°¦è°Ï¬O§Úªº³Ì¨ÎÂk±J¡A§Ú°í«HÛ´°¦è°Ï¬O§Úªº³Ì¨ÎÂk±J¡C¡^¡]2¡^
¡@¡@¡uNow, let the day just slip away. So the dark night, may watch over you. Velvet, blue. Silent, true. It embraces your heart and your soul. Nocturne. Never cry never sigh. You don\'t have to wonder why. Always be always see. Come and dream the night with me. Nocturne. Have no fear when the night draws near, and fills you with dream sand desire.¡v
¡@¡@¡uLike a child asleep, so warm, so deep. You will find me there waiting for you. Nocturne. We will fly claim the sky. We don\'t have to wonder why. Always see always be. Come and dream the night with me. Nocturne. Though darkness lay, it will give away. When the dark night delivers the day. Nocturne.¡v
¡@¡@¡uFor all we know, we may never meet again. Before you go, make this moment sweet again. We won¡zt say good night, until the last minute. I¡zll hold out my hand, and my heart will be in it.¡v¡]§Ú̳£ª¾¹D¡A§ÚÌ¥i¯à¦A¤]¤£·|¨£±¤F¡C¦b§AÂ÷¥h¤§«e¡AÅý¦¹¨è¦A¦¸²¢»e°_¨Ó§a¡Cª½¨ì³Ì«á¤@¨è¡A§Ú̳£¤£n»¡±ß¦w¡C¬Ý¨ì§Ú¦ù¥Xªº¤â¤F¶Ü¡H§Úªº¤ß¡A´N¦b³o¸Ì¡C¡^¡]1¡^
¡@¡@¡uSilent, true. It embraces your heart and your soul. Nocturne. Never cry never sigh. You don\'t have to wonder why. Always be always see. Come and dream the night with me. Nocturne. Have no fear when the night draws near, and fills you with dream sand desire.¡v
¡@¡@¡uLike a child asleep, so warm, so deep. You will find me there waiting for you. Nocturne. We will fly claim the sky. We don\'t have to wonder why. Always see always be. Come and dream the night with me. Nocturne. Though darkness lay, it will give away. When the dark night delivers the day. Nocturne.¡v
¡@¡@¥L¤]·Q°_¤F¨ºººq¡A¡uLike a child asleep, so warm, so deep. You will find me there waiting for you. Nocturne. We will fly claim the sky. We don\'t have to wonder why. Always see always be. Come and dream the night with me. Nocturne. Though darkness lay, it will give away. When the dark night delivers the day. Nocturne.¡v