“……You always smile,but in your eyes, your sorrow shows, yes, itshows……”
“…When I had you there,and then let you go …”她融人全副感情傾吐出女人的悲哀。
“Pldase don’t let me go . ”安沛倫哀求似的低喃一句,隨即情難自禁地將雙唇深深烙印在那雙令他魂系夢牽多時的紅唇上。而喬以欣齊輕歡一聲后,雙臂也自然地攀上他的頸項,就像原本就該那樣似的。然后,世上所有內切都從他們眼里、心中消失,演奏、歌唱、客人全部不再存在,衹剩下彼此擁抱對方整個生命。他們不顧一切地熱烈擁吻,貪婪地汲取對方的情感和靈魂,仿佛這是他們生命的最后一天。
“……save the might , save the day,save the love,come what may.Love
is wortheverything we pqy……I will want nothing else to see me througb
.IF I can spend my lifetime lovlug you……"
“……I don’t want this night to end dont’S Say goodbye, just holdme close,my daring……”
“……oh my daring love me tonight, and change the morning shadow with yoour heavenly light, I find my strength inside your arns, so love me tonight,and keep my heart beside you when you go ……”