1.你第幾次做夜玥50問? It's my first time
2.有沒有決心完成? of coz i have
3.加入了夜玥論壇多久? umm... about 2~3 months
4.曾經玩過多少個論壇? I forgot la, but DS is the best
5.你後面有沒有人看著你玩電腦? yes, a ghost~~(just kidding!!!)
6.今日幾多號? 25/9
7.現在做緊甚麼? of coz, I am answering the 50 questions
8.最喜歡論壇那一個版區? speak freely
9.你是BL/GL迷嗎? No
10.第5條時,有沒有拎個頭向後望呢? No!!! i am not that stupid(I have my bedroom la...)
11.食左飯未? 4 hrs before
12.對中國毒奶粉有甚麼看法? I am not suprised
13.今年幾多歲? secret....
14.你是男/女? it's a secret too
15.你最愛的人是誰? of coz, is myself
16.最開心是做甚麼事? sleeping or playing instruments
17.甚麼事令你最遺憾 umm.....there is no 遺憾 in my dictionary
18.你想做大人/小朋友? a child
19.你家有幾多部電腦? 2
20.今日幾多度? about 25~27 degrees
21.有沒有玩論壇的GAME? no
22.你有幾多兄弟姐妹? 1
23.你喜歡那種天氣? rainy day
24.你覺得論壇有甚麼改善? umm.....I haven't got the answer to the question
25.你是不是普通會員? yes(I don't know lor)
26.你有沒有拍拖? no
27.你有錢嗎? yes, $70 in my pocket
28.你是獨女/獨子嗎? no
29.你是不是腐女? no
30.你是不是學生一族? yes
31.一個月會儲幾多錢? I don't have a habit of saving money
32.到這裡,有甚麼感想? no
33.想睡覺嗎? no
34.想放棄? of coz not, I am a patient person!!!
35.你一日去幾多次廁所? I don't count this
36.最討厭的人是誰? my class teacher
37.你覺得夜玥版主好人嗎? ok la, just some of them
38.有沒有問題發問? no
39.發問完請COPY 到詢問處? huh??!! I can't get yr meaning
40.今日簽到左未? i haven't
41.最後10題,為自己打句鼓勵說話 add oil lor.........
42.對這份問卷的意見? it's just a easy job
43.如果明天是世界末日,你會怎樣做? go to sleep immediately
44.說一件你未做過的事? date
45.說一些對本人的感謝說話(不好的不收貨)? thank you??!!!!!
46.夜玥壇主是誰? without name
47.想不想論壇繼續運作? of coz yes
48.今日發左貼未? yes
49.每個月會花幾多錢? i don't know
50.手提電話的頭一個字是幾多? 6