
[活動] 夜玥50問 第三回

01.這是第幾次做夜玥50問? very 1st time!!!
02.相信你不會半途而廢的吧? No, I promise!
03.夜玥論壇成立多久了? actually don't know, according to front page, 1391days, I'll remember it now!
04.曾經玩過多少個論壇? this is my 1st forum.
05.請說出你對夜玥論壇的第一個印象或是第一個感覺? a very nice forum of nice ppl and things I look forward for long!
06.你最喜歡論壇那一個版區? BL comic & fiction online!
07.論壇中還有你沒逛過的版區嘛? A lot coz I'm still new!
***同人誌介紹 coz for me, I'll put 同人誌's inform to BL/GL area instead
***論壇。遊戲區 again, as I like BL, unless the games are totally independent from the topic while it is still so good. I'm unlikely to visit this part. I mean if I find a game good, most likely about the graphic, it is likely about BL and I'm likely to put it on BL area la~
***no others la...
09.哪個版區另你覺得是最好的榜樣? as I visit BL area most, BL is fine for me la~
10.請對你愛的人在此大聲告白? MAMA, PAPA I LOVE YOU!
11.可不可以完成這份問卷後馬上去跟你愛的人在說一次上題的答案? theoretically YES, but practically no coz they all have gone to bed.
12.以上的問題是不是讓煩惱好久? not really@@.
13.現在有沒有猶豫還要不要完成這份問卷? I plan to finish still.
14.最喜歡什麼動漫呢? At this moment, Skip-beat, Silver diamond,是-ze.
15.最愛的休閒活動? Sleep and read.
16.甚麼事令你最遺憾? can't think of one now.( Does that mean good?)
17.至今,最難忘的慶生經驗? On the day of my 12th birthday, I got gut-stomach inflammation and could not have my birthday cake.
18.交往過幾個男女朋友了? zero, sorry.
19.呈上題,是不是讓你思考數了一下? No.
20.有沒有玩論壇的GAME? yes, I am so stupid with them...
21.你有沒有好好的愛惜自己? yes.
22.你最愛的動物是? cat.
23.有想要養寵物嘛? yes.
24.想要去哪個國家旅行? Taiwan.
25.最愛的小說名還有作者? A lot...let's take 1 . "阿寶"by月讀.
26.有沒有介紹朋友加入夜玥論壇? not fd but sister.
27.以後會邀請朋友加入夜玥論壇嘛? yes.
28.有在玩線上遊戲嘛? online game other then those provided by our forum? no.
29.初吻是在幾歲呢? can't remember, needa ask mum.
30.你是腐男腐女? -ve girl.
31.呈上題,是的話已經接觸多久了? since F.2 so is like 7 yrs.
32.覺得版主們應該要改進的事項? Please don't sleep too late!
33.覺得論壇可以改進的地方? I think quality is more important than quantity, so we can keep on improve without expanding.
34.喜歡夏天還是冬天? summer
35.有沒有不良嗜好? like? I can just tell I don't smoke nor drink.
36.對於厭惡的人,最想給他的懲罰是? Death.
37.你最愛什麼類型的男/女性? who can love me and accept my imperfect.
38.呈上題,如果面前有你最愛的類型,你會直接向他告白嗎?I don't think so, I am a shy girl
39.每天有沒有照鏡子對自己笑笑,告訴自己要開心? I can try it tmr~
40.倒數10題了,你的感想是? is an informal 50Q, haha~
41.一個禮拜的零用錢有多少?<$100 I guess
42.會希望自己談一段轟轟烈烈的愛情? no, a simple one is fine.
43.你是一個擅於規畫自己生活的人? yes.
44.你喜歡中食勝於西餐? I love both.
45.其實你有某種程度的戀物癖? maybe. Can't htink of the example now.
46.你早在成年以前就做過非法的行為? yes, I tasted alcohol.
47.你是一個怎麼樣的人? not good not bad. Somehow conceited.
48.相信前世今生之說? yes.
49.請對夜玥論壇做出愛的告白/或是想對壇主無名來段愛的告白? It's my pleasure to be one of the members of 夜玥, thanks to mo-ming for his/her(?) never give up to us!
50.最後一題了,你終於寫完問卷了,想法是? need to shower!

[ 本帖最後由 mungoi 於 2010-2-17 03:00 編輯 ]



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