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Suede - Saturday Night
本文來自:☆夜玥論壇ק★http://ds-hk.net★ 轉帖請註明出處! 發貼者: momoxxx 您是第210個瀏覽者
Saturday Night
Today she's been working, she's been talking, she's been smoking,
but it'll be alright,
Cos tonight we'll go dancing, we'll go laughing, we'll get sick,
and it'll be okay like everyone says, it'll be alright and ever so nice,
We're going out tonight, out and about tonight,
Oh, whatever makes her happy on a Saturday night,
Oh, whatever makes her happy, whatever makes it alright,
Today she's been sat there, sat there in a black chair, office furniture,
but it'll be alright,
Cos tonight we'll go drinking we'll do silly things,
and never let the winter in,
And it'll be okay like everyone says, it'll be alright and ever so nice,
We're going out tonight, out and about tonight,
Oh, whatever makes her happy on a Saturday night,
Oh, whatever makes her happy, whatever makes it alright,
....we'll go to peepshows and freak shows,
We'll go to discos, casinos,
We'll go where people go and let go...
....oh whatever makes her happy...