
[甜品] Carrot and raisin cake with chocolate rum sauce〔已檢〕

Carrot and raisin cake with chocolate rum sauce〔已檢〕

本文來自:☆夜玥論壇קhttp://ds-hk.net★ 轉帖請註明出處! 發貼者:chris9510 您是第724個瀏覽者
Ingredients最新耽美.BL/GL小說.動漫綜合討論區- H  r" ]0 Y+ N$ c

% s# y' Q, C7 S, ~+ T0 j: ?  tbl,gl.comic,music,同人誌,耽美,論壇,小說,會員,免費,註冊,討論區,星座,文字,貼圖,心理測驗,笑話,潮流,詩詞,BL,電玩,原創,散文,文章,版主,壇主,資源200g puff pastrybl,gl.comic,music,同人誌,耽美,論壇,小說,會員,免費,註冊,討論區,星座,文字,貼圖,心理測驗,笑話,潮流,詩詞,BL,電玩,原創,散文,文章,版主,壇主,資源. K! C8 e  x4 s4 b( n, _
Apricot jam, for glazing最新耽美.BL/GL小說.動漫綜合討論區& j0 a4 }! V* P% ~1 q
70g toasted hazelnuts, finely chopped最新耽美.BL/GL小說.動漫綜合討論區5 g4 P( a) x7 X+ a
Edible spring flowers, for decorating
0 [* P8 f9 e8 ^; z! Z☆夜玥論壇קFor the carrot and raisin filling
2 c/ L+ H* [1 S! F☆夜玥論壇ק
  N& M% f3 F8 {7 ~2 X☆夜玥論壇ק120g golden raisins
3 L+ v" E# c3 O+ R* r: _最新耽美.BL/GL小說.動漫綜合討論區Rum, for soaking
& D  D  D+ [9 p3 v+ Yds-hk.net320g beaten egg or roughly 4 eggsds-hk.net3 ~  i  C. b1 v, T
100g ground almonds☆夜玥論壇ק" i- D: V! F6 b! K' l1 H1 u
150g grated carrot
3 ^. y1 X4 E5 r2 c8 k) R# i* Kds-hk.net40g plain flour
5 T- W  K, m; h! D, Obl,gl.comic,music,同人誌,耽美,論壇,小說,會員,免費,註冊,討論區,星座,文字,貼圖,心理測驗,笑話,潮流,詩詞,BL,下載,電玩,原創,散文,文章,版主,壇主,資源12g baking powder最新耽美.BL/GL小說.動漫綜合討論區3 ^" p4 r) i) n
For the iced carrot
: O9 H1 n7 r$ e: dds-hk.net
7 P  O. O9 P$ x. B( lbl,gl.comic,music,同人誌,耽美,論壇,小說,會員,免費,註冊,討論區,星座,文字,貼圖,心理測驗,笑話,潮流,詩詞,BL,下載,電玩,原創,散文,文章,版主,壇主,資源100g sugar
/ Z" P* ~+ B$ S$ `400ml water最新耽美.BL/GL小說.動漫綜合討論區+ G, }1 @3 z/ }  f
Sliced carrots
4 v' ]( `' C( G$ X- Sds-hk.netFor the chocolate rum sauce最新耽美.BL/GL小說.動漫綜合討論區. N& m( I5 H6 c# e) y% V9 b7 a

$ s! k4 t3 H7 }ds-hk.net250ml water
' A! P  g- [* M% L2 Z  x. v3 J5 Cds-hk.net400g sugarbl,gl.comic,music,同人誌,耽美,論壇,小說,會員,免費,註冊,討論區,星座,文字,貼圖,心理測驗,笑話,潮流,詩詞,BL,電玩,原創,散文,文章,版主,壇主,資源: }8 `2 P. k" C, T" f; N, d  m# i3 T
130g cocoa powder
* T& x7 c  Y& E& z+ }$ E0 O最新耽美.BL/GL小說.動漫綜合討論區250g whipping cream☆夜玥論壇ק0 g/ o# z/ z, g& `
70ml glucoseds-hk.net/ ~4 g  f* X& o7 R
20ml rum最新耽美.BL/GL小說.動漫綜合討論區* P3 Z: z# N% Q  `, ^
& T, M& J" g; ~8 E7 Z+ a$ u7 i最新耽美.BL/GL小說.動漫綜合討論區最新耽美.BL/GL小說.動漫綜合討論區0 r- X8 `# \) w7 d/ |' d
How to make carrot and raisin cake with chocolate rum sauce
0 T2 W" H  _; N$ J# K最新耽美.BL/GL小說.動漫綜合討論區最新耽美.BL/GL小說.動漫綜合討論區; z% k6 W. p# a# A
1. First make the iced carrot. In a saucepan, place the sugar and water. Bring to the boil, then immediately remove from the heat, cover with cling film and set aside to cool. Immerse the carrot slices in the sugar syrup and leave in a cool place for 2-3 days.
7 ]* }- c$ x3 v9 w  Z) U3 pbl,gl.comic,music,同人誌,耽美,論壇,小說,會員,免費,註冊,討論區,星座,文字,貼圖,心理測驗,笑話,潮流,詩詞,BL,電玩,原創,散文,文章,版主,壇主,資源
' J" P' L1 i0 ~. S最新耽美.BL/GL小說.動漫綜合討論區2. Preheat the oven to 180oC/gas 4. Set the raisins to soak in a little rum for 1 hour. Prepare the carrot filling. In a mixing bowl, mix together the beaten egg and ground almonds. Mix in the carrot and rum-soaked raisins, then the flour and baking powder.
* w# S$ G. ~) O☆夜玥論壇ק
) R0 k- g0 E2 V; H' tds-hk.net3. Roll out the puff pastry finely. Line 10 tartlet tins with the pastry and spread a little jam in the base of each pastry case. Fill the tartlet cases two-thirds full with the carrot filling.bl,gl.comic,music,同人誌,耽美,論壇,小說,會員,免費,註冊,討論區,星座,文字,貼圖,心理測驗,笑話,潮流,詩詞,BL,電玩,原創,散文,文章,版主,壇主,資源: u7 S, J2 W. O+ v% j; E
' M* H- y' T0 e$ _( _/ S. [
4. Bake the tartlets for 15-20 minutes until set and cooked through. Remove and cool on a wire rack.☆夜玥論壇ק3 A2 x- v7 j) S0 T! ]
bl,gl.comic,music,同人誌,耽美,論壇,小說,會員,免費,註冊,討論區,星座,文字,貼圖,心理測驗,笑話,潮流,詩詞,BL,下載,電玩,原創,散文,文章,版主,壇主,資源# T4 `1 r0 A4 e+ C8 E! ^1 Q
5. Gently heat some sieved apricot jam in a small pan. Brush the cooled tarts with the warm! jam and sprinkle the edges with chopped hazelnuts.. O4 u6 r$ |! w: P7 |/ s
bl,gl.comic,music,同人誌,耽美,論壇,小說,會員,免費,註冊,討論區,星座,文字,貼圖,心理測驗,笑話,潮流,詩詞,BL,電玩,原創,散文,文章,版主,壇主,資源: @4 F& P0 Z* T& K, \
6. Make the chocolate rum sauce. Place the water and sugar in a saucepan. Bring to the boil. Add the cocoa, mixing in well as you do so, and bring to the boil once more. Add the cream and glucose and bring to the boil, stirring. Remove from direct heat and stir in the rum.ds-hk.net3 P. I  U4 d: r1 J( _& d
bl,gl.comic,music,同人誌,耽美,論壇,小說,會員,免費,註冊,討論區,星座,文字,貼圖,心理測驗,笑話,潮流,詩詞,BL,電玩,原創,散文,文章,版主,壇主,資源, K$ `: v, u6 b, i
7. With the melted chocolate form a teardrop shape on the plate, leaving a well to fill with the rum sauce. Then, add the sauce. Place the cake alongside the sauce and decorate with crystallised carrots and spring edible flowers. Serve.☆夜玥論壇ק/ n. [( A; v$ n( u9 p: M. b( F. {

! ?: y; M; V8 r  ]5 |+ Hbl,gl.comic,music,同人誌,耽美,論壇,小說,會員,免費,註冊,討論區,星座,文字,貼圖,心理測驗,笑話,潮流,詩詞,BL,電玩,原創,散文,文章,版主,壇主,資源[ 本帖最後由 十小海乂 於 2012-9-29 15:22 編輯 ]






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