The pretty reckless - You
本文來自:☆夜玥論壇ק★★ 轉帖請註明出處! 發貼者:
千幻華 您是第279個瀏覽者
順帶一提 這個團的主唱是Taylor Momsen
(有在Gossip girl裡擔任一角)
You don’t want me, no
You don’t need me
Like I want you, oh
Like I need you
And I want you in my life
And I need you in my life
You can’t see me, no
Like I see you
I can’t have you, no
Like you have me
And I want you in my life
And I need you in my life
You can’t feel me, no
Like I feel you
I can’t steal you, no
Like you stole me
And I want you in my life
And I need you in my life