M83 - Midnight City
本文來自:☆夜玥論壇ק★http://ds-hk.net★ 轉帖請註明出處! 發貼者:
千幻華 您是第2810個瀏覽者
雖然這首歌歌詞很少 意境我也有點不懂 但這首歌的MV非常有趣
是幾個擁有超能力的孩子 脫逃研究所的故事
普通的迷幻搖滾在CD裡聽很迷幻 但現場卻不怎麼樣
M83這個團真的很厲害 連現場Live的都可以很迷幻
有興趣的人可以自己去Youtube找這首歌的Live 絕對不會失望的迷幻!
(我個人有一陣子瘋狂聽這首歌就是了 哈哈)
Waiting in a car
Waiting for a ride in the dark
The night city grows
Look and see her eyes, they glow
Waiting in a car
Waiting for a ride in the dark
Drinking in the lounge
Following the neon signs
Waiting for a roar
Looking at the mutating skyline
The city is my church
It wraps me in the sparkling twilight
Waiting in a car
Waiting for the right time
Waiting in a car
Waiting for the right time
Waiting in a car
Waiting for the right time
Waiting in a car
Waiting for the right time
Waiting in a car
Waiting for a ride in the dark