Beady Eye - four letter word
本文來自:☆夜玥論壇ק★★ 轉帖請註明出處! 發貼者:
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Sleepwalk away your life
If that turns you on
It's all in a moment
Look away and it's gone
It's about time
That your mind took a holiday
You're all grown up
Don't you ever wanna play?
Ahh, You've had enough
Staring out of those dead end eyes
Ahh, It's gonna be tough
The battle's on and your soul is the price
I don't know what it is that I'm feeling
A four letter word really get's my meaning
Nothing ever lasts forever
Get on your feeling
Going out of our minds
The wheels need to roll
The clock on the wall says it's time
Call it luck
Call it whatever you please
It's not what you wanted
It be might just what you need
Ahh, You've had enough
It feels like you've blown a 50amp fuse
Ahh, It's gonna be tough
The more you have, the more you can lose
I don't know what it is that I'm feeling
A four letter word really get's my meaning
Nothing ever lasts forever
Ahh, You've had enough
Staring out of those dead end eyes
Ahh, It's gonna be tough
The battle's on and your soul is the price
I don't know what it is that I'm feeling
A four letter word really get's my meaning
Nothing ever lasts forever
Nothing ever lasts forever
Nothing ever lasts forever
Nothing ever lasts forever