
[星座命理] The Hidden Meaning of the name by using Numerology

The Hidden Meaning of the name by using Numerology

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The Hidden Meaning of the name by using Numerology
Numerology is an ancient science which was developed by Pythagoras. Numerology offers an insight into the personality by assigning numeric values to the letters contained in names. The results provide the hidden meaning of the name Clarissa. Each letter contained in the name is assigned a number. Every number is associated with specific characteristics. Work out the value of each of the letters in your name using the following table:

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
A  B  C   D   E   F  G   H  I
J  K   L   M   N  O   P  Q  R
S  T  U   V   W  X   Y   Z   

Example: Cathy

C A T H Y    B R O W N E
3  1  2  8  7   2  9  6  5  5  5

Add together all the numbers of the name Cathy (3+1+2+8+7) = 21 and Browne (2+9+6+5+5+5) = 32
Then add together the values 21+32 = 53  
Then add together 5+3 = 8

The numerological value, or Name Number, of the example name is therefore 8. Use this method of numerology to calculate the value of your full name and find the hidden meanings and characteristics of the name together with any middle names and your last name.

Interpretation Meaning and Characteristics using Numerology and the Name Number
Using this form of Numerology check out the meaning and characteristics of your special number:

Number Meaning & Characteristics
1 Competitive - a leader, independent, strength, creative and original
2 Diplomatic - friendly, tactful, peaceful, gentle and sensitive
3 Optimistic - Easygoing, sociable, spontaneous and humorous
4 Traditionalist - Determined, reliable, conservative, activist and organised
5 Creative - Free spirited, artistic, enquiring, innovative and influential
6 Contributor - Responsible, careful, conventional and reliable
7 Inventive - Imaginative, resourceful, eccentric, quiet and thoughtful
8 Organizer - Leadership skills, planner, strong, high achiever and sound judgment
9 Humanitarian - Compassionate, caring, charitable and civilised







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