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Nini Bellinis〔已檢〕
本文來自:☆夜玥論壇ק★http://ds-hk.net★ 轉帖請註明出處! 發貼者: chris9510 您是第801個瀏覽者
4 d6 Q6 x4 P5 o$ W2 q) E8 j5 V x最新耽美.BL/GL小說.動漫綜合討論區Ingredients
$ ]( {5 N9 P5 C O; _: Pbl,gl.comic,music,同人誌,耽美,論壇,小說,會員,免費,註冊,討論區,星座,文字,貼圖,心理測驗,笑話,潮流,詩詞,BL,下載,電玩,原創,散文,文章,版主,壇主,資源
5 R% {$ ]: F( M7 c8 q! p最新耽美.BL/GL小說.動漫綜合討論區2 ripe peaches, flat ones if you can get them
3 v+ h4 c( o! K% a! ~ Q5 A☆夜玥論壇ק1 x 750ml bottle of chilled Prosecco bl,gl.comic,music,同人誌,耽美,論壇,小說,會員,免費,註冊,討論區,星座,文字,貼圖,心理測驗,笑話,潮流,詩詞,BL,電玩,原創,散文,文章,版主,壇主,資源/ g+ X- @$ c! S Z
/ P$ f7 w& ?" V6 M最新耽美.BL/GL小說.動漫綜合討論區
5 F L; M! |7 s& b) ~! q, Abl,gl.comic,music,同人誌,耽美,論壇,小說,會員,免費,註冊,討論區,星座,文字,貼圖,心理測驗,笑話,潮流,詩詞,BL,電玩,原創,散文,文章,版主,壇主,資源How to make Nini Bellinis 7 h+ C" N- D S k: y
5 i$ e9 ]1 h0 ^- Abl,gl.comic,music,同人誌,耽美,論壇,小說,會員,免費,註冊,討論區,星座,文字,貼圖,心理測驗,笑話,潮流,詩詞,BL,電玩,原創,散文,文章,版主,壇主,資源1. I think this is best made just before serving, in front of your friends. Halve your peaches, remove their stones, then pop them into a liquidizer and blitz until smooth. Add a splash of water if needed and put the puree into a jug. If you don't have a liquidizer just use your hands to squeeze, mash and really push the peaches through a sieve so you get as much as possible of their wonderful flavour and the colour from their skins into the puree. You can get the puree as fine as you like, but I don't mind the thickness...it's quite rustic. Discard (or eat!) whatever is left behind in the sieve, then pour your Prosecco into the jug and gently mix together. Divide between six glasses right away, and top up with a little more Prosecco if need be, and enjoy!
5 N/ f: P8 S0 K' Q2 n& ids-hk.netbl,gl.comic,music,同人誌,耽美,論壇,小說,會員,免費,註冊,討論區,星座,文字,貼圖,心理測驗,笑話,潮流,詩詞,BL,下載,電玩,原創,散文,文章,版主,壇主,資源4 S E( q) A+ E$ a9 f
[ 本帖最後由 十小海乂 於 2012-9-29 13:42 編輯 ]