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Suede - She's In Fashion
本文來自:☆夜玥論壇ק★http://ds-hk.net★ 轉帖請註明出處! 發貼者: momoxxx 您是第228個瀏覽者
She's In Fashion
She's the face on the radio she's the body on the morning show
She's there shaking it out on the scene
She's the colour of a magazine
And she's in fashion she's in fashion
She's employed where the sun don't set
and she's the shape of a cigarette
And she's the shake of a tambourine
and she's the colour of a magazine
And she's in fashion and she's in fashion
Oh and if she tells you 2 is 1 then 2 is 1 my love
Oh and if she tells you you should know,
then you should know my love,
She is strung out on a TV dream,
and she's the taste of gasoline,
and she's as similar as you can get to the shape of a cigarette
And she's in fashion
(And the sunshine it blows my mind, and the wind blows my brain).