等級: 10 - 出類拔萃
HP(生命值): 1 / 91
MP(魔力值): 356 / 5511
EXP(經驗值): 17 %
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小 發表於 2008-10-27 08:23 只看該作者
本文來自:☆夜玥論壇ק★http://ds-hk.net★ 轉帖請註明出處! 發貼者: jeremya1b2c3 您是第465個瀏覽者
| Forget me not
Those weren't your words
I'm home haven't
you heard the ring?
The sound of my voice
I know it isn't much
That's why
I say your name
When I fall,
when I hit the bottom
Girl, play on
The boys will
stay even if you're gone
Go girl, play on
The boys will
stay even if you're gone
I've missed you
Those weren't your words
Seeing you became a charm
And everyday,
I wish I could
I say your name
When I fall,
when I hit the bottom
Girl, play on
The boys will
stay even if you're gone
Go girl, play on
The boys will
stay even if you're gone
I say your name
When I fall,
when I hit the bottom
Girl, play on
The boys will
stay even if you're gone
Go girl, play on
The boys will
stay even if you're gone