本文來自:☆夜玥論壇ק★http://ds-hk.net★ 轉帖請註明出處! 發貼者:
暗影魂 您是第1068個瀏覽者
> >姓名:English or Chinese?
> >年齡:Confidential
> >身高:Not related to the job
> >體重:Varies all the time, before lunch or after
> >居住地:At what stage of my life, please be more specific
> >電話:Ericsson
電子郵件:Only give to pretty and rich girls
上班時間:the shorter the better
應徵職位:a post that has not much to do but surround by pretty
and young girls
學歷:Graduated at the wild chicken university
語言能力:fluent in bullshits
興趣:Sleeping and sleeping
經歷:Fooling around all the time
曾任職位:Decent or not decent, please be more specific
已婚未婚:Still looking for a rich and beautifulgirl, hopefully
can find in your company
未來期望:Have a speech on stage and retire as soon as possible
希望待遇:Lesser workload the better
> >姓名:父母取的
> >年齡:不小了
> >身高:很高
> >體重:中等
> >居住地:家裡
> >電話:在身上
> >電子郵件:朋友幫我申請的
> >上班時間:8小時
> >應徵職位:一位
> >學歷:如果畢業的話有高中學歷
> >語言能力:有興趣:很多
> >生日:還沒到吧!
> >經歷:剛來的時候踩到狗屎,Shit!
> >曾任職位:小學有當過糾察隊喔!
> >已婚未婚:父母有結婚
> >未來期望:再找好工作
> >希望待遇:希望大家都很疼我 --