This is very different from 林佩's usual sweet story! And could be the closest to reality....... I can understand this part between 小律和阿平 --> 今天就彼此埋葬彼此,永遠別再想起,把你埋在我心裡,我也埋在你心裡,終會成為化石,百年後自然而然都風化。 我願意等來世,或許會有不同的契機。 But shouldn't 小律 cherish 許醫師 in THIS life? (Or just like what he said he is pretending? 這樣的虛情假意,我付出,只為了填補這些年來的空虛 --> if this is the case, that is really pathetic!)
Thank you for sharing this really great but a little bit of sad story~~ It's almost not 耽美 (or BL), but closer to 同志文學? (--> 不過更哀傷的現實是,這是真正會發生的同志故事吧.. +1)